A huge shout-out to the local community groups and schools that joined us and held their own Clean Up Australia - you're awesome!
We're still waiting for the 2021 results, but here some Tassie stats from last year:
Top 5 clean-up sites: Roadsides, parks, waterways, schools, bushland
Most reported litter: Plastics = 39.8% of all rubbish reported
Most reported item: plastic chip bags/confectionary wrappers =12.21%
2nd most reported item: cigarette butts = 9.89%
Total estimated loads of litter removed = 613 ute loads
Littering.....who does this??
If you see anyone littering or dumping waste illegally, call the hotline on 1300 135 513 or report it at www.rubbish.tas.gov.au Kudos to the kindness of these volunteers who donated their time on Sunday 7th March for Clean Up Australia Day. Know someone else who picks up litter? Give them a shout-out in the comments below!
Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania Derwent Estuary Program Landcare Tasmania - Southern Coastcare Assoc of Tasmania Friends of Collinsvale Bushrangers Basketball Hobart Austins Ferry Primary School Bowen Road Primary School Official Page Dominic College Guilford Young College Hilliard Christian School Montrose Bay High School and thanks also to the many staff at Council during our own Clean Up event.
More Tassie litter stats on our WasteStartsWithU website: https://wastestartswithu.com.au/.../2020-TAS-Fact-Sheet...
More info on our litter problem: www.cleanup.org.au