Did you know we manage several litter traps at various creeks and rivulets to prevent harmful rubbish from entering the Derwent River? These traps can hold up to 500kgs of debris - we estimate that up to 300kgs of rubbish is removed every few months.
The most common items are plastic bottles, glass bottles and aluminium cans which are ALL recyclable - a 'wasted' opportunity!
These litter traps are our last line of defence - we as a community can do better to prevent rubbish polluting our waterways in the first place:
Dispose of your rubbish and recycling in correct public litter bins
If there isn't a bin nearby, keep it until you get home, use the correct kerbside wheelie bin.
Be extra careful on windy days - a lot of littering is by accident but the impact is the same
Plan your day - pack a reusable water bottle and opt for litter free packaging like containers or beeswax wraps for your food. These are simple changes that will also save you money vs. buying over-packaged goods or single-use items.