Waste-Wise Advisory Group

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Waste-Wise Advisory Group

Note: Meetings are temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 distancing restrictions.

Glenorchy City Council has teamed up with a special group of Glenorchy residents to start a Waste-Wise Advisory Group. This group is made up of residents from different sized households, at different life stages, from different parts of Glenorchy.

Members of the Waste-Wise Advisory Group (WAGs) are keen recyclers and household waste managers, with home waste management systems in place e.g. compost bins, worm bins, pets or livestock that eat organic waste.

The goal of this group is to provide advice to Council on their household waste reduction activities that work for their particular life stage and lifestyle. They also help out by doing at least 2 hours of volunteering per year, for example by manning a stand at a school fair, Moonah Taste of the World or Carols; or answering questions on social media, making signs, putting up posters or other self-nominated tasks that help the community learn more about good waste management.

In return, Glenorchy City Council organises field trips for WAGs to waste management centres e.g. FOGO's industrial composter and the recycling facility; plus books speakers for WAG meetings on 'hot' waste topics.

WAGs meet every two months. If you would like to join us we'd love to hear from you - please call the Waste Services team on 6216 6800, or email us on gccmail@gcc.tas.gov.au, heading your email "Waste-Wise Advisory Group". Terms of Reference can be downloaded here [.pdf, 255KB]

Members of the Waste-Wise Advisory Group discussing the community awareness and roll-out campaign for the new 3 bin waste service (FOGO) being launched in February 2020. In front is a model of a modern landfill - one of the education tools available for public events to show how landfills work, why they release the powerful greenhouse gas methane, and why we need to reduce the volume of waste being buried in them.